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Rotation grazing is a key element of our operation with a small flock of dorper sheep constantly on the move throughout our 80 acre property. We do not use any chemical inputs such as toxic wormers or drenches, instead relying on natural alternatives. By keeping our animals moving and resting our pasture we not only optimise growing conditions but are also able to break the parasite lifecycle, significantly reducing infections. Our livestock are also provided with a range of essential minerals to ensure they grow strong and healthy.
Rotation grazing is a key element of our operation with a small flock of dorper sheep constantly on the move throughout our 80 acre property. We do not use any chemical inputs such as toxic wormers or drenches, instead relying on natural alternatives. By keeping our animals moving and resting our pasture we not only optimise growing conditions but are also able to break the parasite lifecycle, significantly reducing infections. Our livestock are also provided with a range of essential minerals to ensure they grow strong and healthy.