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Our chickens are purchased at day-old and spend their first few weeks in a heated brooder room, protected from the elements but with access to fresh air and sunshine.
At 3-4 weeks of age they are then moved outdoors and with the help of our moveable shelters they enjoy fresh pasture to forage each and every day.
The clean, healthy, stress-free environment means we don’t need to use any antibiotics or other chemical treatments, and without artificial growth promoters our birds grow slower than industrial, factory-farmed chickens.
The birds forage for insects, graze on lush grass and dust bath at will… Basically our chickens get to be chickens!
Rather than restricting our birds to enclosed areas they are completely free ranging, and with the protection of our two Maremma livestock guardian dogs they are safe to roam.
Their daily banquet of wild treats is supplemented with quality grain mixes, mineral-rich seaweed meal, calcium, garlic and apple cider vinegar, ensuring our chicken is the best you’ll ever eat!
Our chickens are purchased at day-old and spend their first few weeks in a heated brooder room, protected from the elements but with access to fresh air and sunshine.
At 3-4 weeks of age they are then moved outdoors and with the help of our moveable shelters they enjoy fresh pasture to forage each and every day.
The clean, healthy, stress-free environment means we don’t need to use any antibiotics or other chemical treatments, and without artificial growth promoters our birds grow slower than industrial, factory-farmed chickens.
The birds forage for insects, graze on lush grass and dust bath at will… Basically our chickens get to be chickens!
Rather than restricting our birds to enclosed areas they are completely free ranging, and with the protection of our two Maremma livestock guardian dogs they are safe to roam.
Their daily banquet of wild treats is supplemented with quality grain mixes, mineral-rich seaweed meal, calcium, garlic and apple cider vinegar, ensuring our chicken is the best you’ll ever eat!